Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Okay, I have noticed these guys milling around in my compost bin. This is the second batch of compost, and I never saw these in the first one. I didn't really get too concerned, but now there are like a ZILLION of them. So many that they are crawling out of the compost bin and out into the yard. I am afraid they are going to come get me in my sleep.


Please let me know if you have any idea. I have never seen these before. They move like millipedes or centipedes, they sort of undulate across a surface to move. They don't appear to have any eyes, that I can see. I don't think they're grubs, because they're not juicy (looking), and they don't have a "head." For scale, they are about 1 inch long.

I guess I just want to know if they are good guys or bad guys!

1 comment:

Andi Hawkins said...

O barf. I think you should call it an "armored slug".